Forms are a type of document that is characterized by its specific content and structural layout – checkmarks, fields and other areas of the page from which the information must be processed correctly. Solutions such as ocr forms processing enable automatic performance of this task thanks to optical character recognition, which is a technology with increasing popularity in IT circles and not only. In the accounting departments, a similar software solution can significantly increase work efficiency, reduce labor costs and improve accuracy, because there are error-removal functions.
Why process forms with the help of OCR technology – advantages of the software

When we are tasked with processing a large volume of documents such as forms, it can cost us a lot of time and even more effort. In such situations we do not have additional resources to use to direct our opinion to other business aspects – development of business strategies, improvement of client services, finding new corporate partners and many other things aimed at the firm’s benefit. Among the main advantages of OCR forms processing technology are:
- improving the process related to the processing of forms – working with form type documents may seem trivial at first glance, but this is not the case. Practice shows that the processing of forms can turn out to be a challenging task for business which increasingly needs IT solutions to streamline work processes. AI tools such as OCR forms processing are a real salvation for employees in accounting departments who want to streamline every single step of the workflow as much as possible and shorten the processing time of the forms as well;
- a possibility of processing a large volume of documents at the same time – piles of files, disorder and chaos in the office, rush and tension are the things that are very common in accounting departments. Luckily, there are solutions such as automatic processing of documents, which are used to extract information from forms, invoices, etc. With their presence in the company’s structures, the work in the departments is greatly facilitated, and good results are not delayed;
- increasing accuracy and reducing costs – achieving high accuracy in processing forms is a major commitment of accountants who do not always manage to cope with this task. In their haste, they often make mistakes and this negatively affects the company and everyone down the funnel. Here, however, there is a solution and it is OCR forms processing from SmartSoft! The company offers not only this software solution to users, but also many more similar ones, with the help of which top quality work is achieved;
- successfully dealing with various types of difficulties – another advantage of OCR forms processing which is associated with artificial intelligence and the progress of IT technologies. The main difficulty which the technology could be solved with is the poor quality of the prints, which is due the resolution level or other reasons such as image compression.
OCR forms processing is a technology that can handle both pdf formats and image type documents equally well. Converting scanned forms into an electronic file is the basic function of optical character recognition that is used by most companies nowadays. This is because small and large business owners value workflow automation highly which brings the company many dividends as it was already mentioned earlier in the article.
What are the features of this IT solution?
The basic function of OCR forms processing is the technology’s ability to convert scanned documents into pdf versions, as well as to discover key information that will subsequently be archived in the right direction. Such processes are very important for any company that wants to optimize work in departments, make it more productive and profitable. Let’s not forget something else also very important in this case – the possibility of freeing up valuable resources such as more people to carry out more important work tasks.
Another characteristic of this IT technology is the ease with which the configuration process is carried out. It is only necessary for the user to upload the form to the system and then mark the relevant regions. This way, the software can learn and improve continuously – another reason to be integrated into the corporate structures of any company.
The main steps during OCR forms processing are several. The first is the acceptance of the form, and this can also happen in several ways – email, special web portals, scanner and other sources. Then follows the validation of the data and integration of the information with the rest of the data in the system. Users can also take advantage of the possibility to customize the settings so that they fully suit their needs. High protection of company data is also among the possibilities that this technology offers.
Choose SmartSoft for your business and improve the way it all working processes. Increase profit, reduce costs and improve accuracy with OCR forms processing – an AI tool for effective management of the steps related to the intelligent extraction of information from documents!